Project Specs: Project Location: Oklahoma City, Oklahoma Products Used: Douglas Fir End Grain FlooringCommercial projects of this nature, with large amounts of foot...

Articles and projects on:
Project Specs: Project Location: Oklahoma City, Oklahoma Products Used: Douglas Fir End Grain FlooringCommercial projects of this nature, with large amounts of foot...
Project Specs: Project Location: Irving, Texas General Contractor: Roger's O' Brien Architect and Design Team: GFF Architects Products Used: 3D Walnut, Solid End Grain...
Project Specs: Project Location: Austin, TexasGeneral Contractor: Hensel Phelps ConstructionArchitect and Design Team: Heery, AtlantaProducts Used: Texas Mesquite End...
Project Specs: Project Location: Plano, TexasGeneral Contractor: Hill & WilkinsonArchitect and Design Team: GFFProducts Used: End Grain WalnutPhotography Credit:...
Project Specs: Project Location: Broken Arrow, OklahomaGeneral Contractor: BeckArchitect and Design Team:Products Used: End Grain Douglas FirSite Finished End Grain Fir
Project Specs: Project Location: Dallas, TexasGeneral Contractor: Pacific BuildersArchitect and Design Team: Gensler - DallasProducts Used: End Grain Solid Walnut...
Project Specs: Project Location: Dallas, TexasGeneral Contractor: Balfour Beatty Construction Architect and Design Team: Boka Powell and Mithun from SeattleProducts...